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3.In determining whether an applicant is “qualified,” DBR shall determine whether such information adequately demonstrates an ability of the applicant to satisfy licensing requirements and compliance with the Act and program regulations.

2.Once the license has been issued, the licensed cultivator must take reasonable and documented efforts to launch licensed cultivator activities, which for purposes of this paragraph shall mean contemporáneo medical marijuana cultivation, processing, packaging, manufacturing, and/or other medical marijuana activities requiring a cultivator license pursuant to the Act.

d.A transfer log which must include the amount of medical marijuana supplied and transferred to their registered/appointing patient(s), the date of each transfer and the reimbursement amount the caregiver received. Each transfer must be initialed and dated by the receiving patient.

f.If the applicant proposes to have a management agreement in place, it shall also include a copy of the management agreement or management agreement proposal and a list of persons who have any ownership interest or operational control over the management company.

B.Unless determined by DBR to be impractical, the following categories of marijuana infused product are considered to be per se practicable to mark with the universal symbol:

E.Vencedor a DBR record-keeping requirement, compassion centers and licensed cultivators must keep detailed records of any pesticide products used and application regiments, including video recording during pesticide applications which must cease if there is a failure or disruption of the video surveillance system.

5.If using two authorized transport vehicles, the authorized transport vehicles shall travel together at all times during the authorized transport and each vehicle shall be operated/occupied by at least one authorized transport cardholder.

2.A fully operational security alarm system may include a combination of hard-wired systems and systems interconnected with a radio frequency method such Triunfador cellular or private Radiodifusión signals that emit or transmit a remote or Circunscrito audible, visual, or electronic signal; agencias de marketing motion detectors, pressure switches, duress alarms (a silent system signal generated by the entry of a designated code into the arming station to indicate that the user is disarming under duress); panic alarms (an audible system signal to indicate an emergency situation); and hold-up alarms (a silent system signal to indicate that a robbery is in progress).

D.Each compassion center and licensed cultivator must ensure that for each manufacturing process, all safety and sanitary equipment appropriate for that manufacturing process, including any personal protective equipment, is provided to any authorized cardholder who will be involved in that manufacturing process.

9.Prior to leaving the originating marijuana establishment licensee for an authorized transport to another marijuana establishment licensee, the originating marijuana establishment licensee must weigh, inventory, and account for on video all marijuana and marijuana product to be transported.

3.The person identified Ganador the primary applicant and the designee of the licensed cooperative cultivation shall be responsible for the verification that each member of the cooperative cultivation is the holder of a valid and active qualified patient or primary caregiver registry identification card.

G.The following information may be placed on an insert but must accompany each retail-ready medical marijuana product sold:

4.DBR shall have the right but not the obligation to notify a compassion center’s banking institution of any non-compliant activity, violations and/or enforcement action(s) taken by DBR.

2.If a licensed cooperative cultivation application is approved and any prohibited material financial interest or control has been identified by DBR or is otherwise known to the applicant, such interest or control must be divested prior to issuance of the cooperative cultivation license. The plan of divestiture shall be filed with DBR.

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